Komori Corporation (Sumida-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO Satoshi Mochida) (hereafter Komori) announces the establishment of a new group purpose in 2023, the year of its 100th anniversary. And this time we have created and released a video that expresses this purpose.
Komori Group Purpose: Delivering Kando "beyond expectations" by contributing to society with print technology
The present age is called the age of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). We have entered an ambiguous socio-economic environment where changes are drastic and predicting the future is difficult. We must survive in these difficult times.
As Komori approaches the 100th anniversary of our founding, we believe that we need a compass for our continued sound development.
The purpose of the Komori Group that has now been established is a clear expression of Komori’s reason for being that asks ourselves, what are Komori’s strengths, what are our potentials, and how can we contribute to society?
Komori will move forward over the next 100 years with a purpose that can resonate with all stakeholders.
Since our founding in 1923, we have supported the information society, the economy, and culture as a printing machinery system manufacturer. We support economic development through information media such as catalogs and flyers, contribute to the development of culture and education through publications such as textbooks and photo books, and, as the only currency printing machine manufacturer in Japan, make banknotes trustworthy and provide peace of mind to society. Print technology is what has made all this possible.
Print technology is a technology with many possibilities. It is said that printing is possible on anything other than water and air. Printing is used in everything from everyday items to cutting-edge technology: commercial and fine art printing, package printing, currency and security printing, curved three-dimensional printing, printed circuit boards, electronic components, and semiconductor packaging, for example. Printing also has hidden potential in its enormous capacity, from printing a single sheet to more than a million copies, from ultra-small printing of a few microns to giant banner printing. Print technology is by no means obsolete but rather a technology that will create the future.
In Komori's long business history, we have always valued the idea of creating Kando. This management philosophy has permeated our group companies both in Japan and overseas, and even overseas Kando: Beyond Expectations is well understood.
Komori believes that such activities can deliver Kando to customers. And we think of "customers" as including not only buyers but also all stakeholders such as business partners and employees.
Komori's precious Kando is a word that resonates with people’s hearts regardless of age, gender, or race, and is reflected in our purpose.
The printing technology that we have cultivated for 100 years expands the possibilities of paper and electronic media, enhances the economic efficiency and reliability of society's activities, and helps reduce the environmental impact. By pursuing and commercializing printing technology, we will respond quickly to customer expectations, support society, and create Kando with value that is a step beyond expectations. Komori will share this purpose with our customers, business partners, employees and other stakeholders around the world, and contribute to the sustainable growth of the Komori Group and the solution of environmental and social issues.
Learn more about Komori Group Purpose
Click here for the Komori Group Purpose video
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